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Redstar Chem Group, established in 1992, is the affiliated enterprise of Qingdao government SASAC. It was founded in 1956 as Qingdao Taidong Chemical Factory and changed its
Redstar is also a leading manufacturer of Strontium and Manganese salts in Asia.
IN 1992
Redstar Chemical Group was established
IN 1992
IN 1997
Redstar Chemical Group started it's strontium business and built it's plant鈥?Red Butterfly Strontium Industry Co.,Ltd." in Dazu, Chongqing,China.
IN 1997
IN 1999
The establishment of Guizhou Redstar Development Co.,Ltd. marked the start of it's barium business. Now, Redstar is the largest manufacturer of barium salts worldwide.
IN 1999
IN 2001
Guizhou Redstar Developing Import&Export Co.,Ltd. was listed in SSE. (Stock Code:600367)
IN 2001
IN 2002
Redstar started it's manganese business and set up "Guizhou Redstar Dalong Manganese Industry Co.,Ltd".
IN 2002
IN 2017
With the target to help customers get one-stop service on chemicals purchasing , Redstar Chemical Group started its sourci